Cutting the Dead Weight: Letting Go of Bad Trades
Portfolio review-Stocks have been struggling? I haven't noticed.
Let go of the bad trades that bring you down…
You know the ones I’m talking about. The trades you’ve been carrying around like old baggage… ideas that sounded brilliant in your head but left your account looking like Swiss cheese.
You thought they were “the trade,” the setup that was finally going to prove you’re smarter than the market.
Spoiler alert: you’re not.
We’ve all been there. You spend hours convincing yourself that this one’s different.
The breakout that wasn’t. The mean reversion that just kept moving lower. The “it’s oversold” that got even more oversold.
And you hang on, not because it’s working, but because letting go feels like admitting defeat.
Newsflash: it’s not. It’s survival.
Trading is about staying in the game. It’s not about being right; it’s about making money. And you don’t do that by marrying your worst trade ideas. You cut them loose. Let them sink into the abyss where they belong, with all the other bad trades we’ve buried over the years.
Every bad trade you hang onto clogs your mental capital.
It’s weight you don’t need, noise that distracts you from what really matters, good risk management and solid setups.
Look at your P&L. What’s dragging it down?
What ideas are you still clinging to because you want them to work, not because they are working?
Be honest. And then let them go. Burn the charts. Delete the levels. Forget the ticker.
Because the best traders aren’t the ones who are right all the time, they’re the ones who move on.
The market doesn’t care about your ego. Neither should you
Portfolio Review (I barely believe it)
Energy is absolutely wild right now—what else can I say?