“A loser’s true problem is not account size but overtrading and sloppy money management. He takes risks that are too big for his account size, however small or big. No matter how good his system may be, a streak of bad trades is sure to put him out of business.”
Alexander Elder
This is exactly why I review my portfolios with everyone on a weekly basis.
Charts of interest…
Silver COT-Producers are taking advantage of this pullback to increase their positions.
Silver Chart-This pullback remains a valuable opportunity, consider buying or accumulating precious metals at this level.
Copper COT-With commercials stepping up their buying activity, it’s time to start watching for strong buy signals.
Heating Oil COT-This represents the most aggressive commercial buying activity ever recorded in $HO's history.
Bitcoin COT-Following a surge near $100K, commercial traders maintained a net long position in Bitcoin Futures.
This marks a promising milestone for Bitcoin, positioning it to surpass the $100K threshold in the near future.