The Commodity Update: Top Commodity Picks and Predictions
Cotton, Natural Gas, Fight Club, Corn, Coffee, Sugar, Wheat and more...
“It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.”
―Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
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1. Cotton-A bullish reversal appears likely, supported by a Commitment of Traders (COT) buy signal. Additionally, flooding in crucial cotton-growing regions of Texas, the Deep South, and the Southeast threatens early crop development. This adverse weather situation could further drive up cotton prices.
Buy stop level on the chart. Set it and forget it.
2. Corn-Long: A bullish reversal is anticipated in late June, with strong Commitment of Traders (COT) money buying during this correction suggesting higher prices in July. Additionally, expected hot weather across the U.S. in July could serve as a catalyst for increased corn prices.