Have you seen the show Stranger Things?
Stranger Things is a show that's heavily indebted to the novels of Stephen King and the horror films of the 1980s. In essence, the show is about a group of 80s kids who, after encountering a strange character called Eleven, discover a supernatural world full of monsters and creatures that are seeping into reality.
So I have one extreme phobia which makes sense and makes zero sense at the same time. My mind being hijacked. I am sure that I have a few issues. Honestly, most traders do. This is not a normal line of work.
To become great at anything also means that you are not normal, by definition. I don’t think it’s normal for people to always want more or to be better. That drive, means that you are never complacent. Always fighting through the ups and downs of life. Success and failure, become a necessary evil.
I am not a fan of TV shows or gettin stuck in TV shows. However, I liked this one and I loved this scene.
As traders I don’t think that the market is ever “working against us” I think that more than anything the trader is working against themselves.
In Poker, when a player is on tilt, he is in a state of severe mental and emotional frustration, which causes them to make aggressive and at times even reckless decisions.
Sometimes we have our own version of The Mind Flayer taking over our minds. (Or being on tilt) Sometimes we have to run towards what is real! Your systems, your methodology, scans, data and more.
Today let’s focus on not sabotaging ourselves.
“A sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker, than a germ,” John Steinbeck
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