Love, a weird word to use when someone describes a style of trading. I can remember being at a basketball game as a kid. I was the best one on our team that year, but I did not really love the sport or any sport at the time. I was 11. I remember one of the coaches having a talk with me about love and passion.
I replied “I love my mom.”
I had no concept of loving something that was nothing more than a concept. Envisioning what I could be in 5-10 years or the things I could learn in that amount of time. Learning to love the moment is easy. When you score or when you win. However, loving the journey is important.
I learned that later…
Everything I learned to this day is because of riding a bicycle. As a kid, I did not understand where I could be in 10 years. I just wanted to learn something new everyday.
When I was 14 I broke my ankle. I literally duct taped my ankle together to walk normally so my parents would not know about it. So they could not tell me that I had to take a break from riding. I am not saying that this was healthy or helped me become a better rider because it took a long time before I could ride at 100%. (Side note my right ankle is 2x the size of my right one because of this) I am saying that I could not live without it. I had to ride. I loved it. I was going to learn how to be a great bike rider or die trying.
Trading was the same…
My journey as a trader led me to understand that the ability to trade everything helps to build major returns because there is always a trend somewhere. In the above graphic you will see that there are long, short and neutral trades in the commodity space. If you understand commodities you also understand the market.
In 2000 I just thought that gold was cool, fuck fiat currency and such, lol. Today I still feel exactly the same way, I have just added a whole list of assets, commodities, equities and more that express that view. A better way of saying this is, I love the diversity of the commodities market and now that I look back, the journey is the real reward.
One of our least read articles was from the beginning of November 2023 when we bought coffee. One of our best futures trades this year so far. We should see some resistance here, however commodities sometimes blow right through resistance and we have a grade B break out. This thing could absolutely move.
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