Why You Can’t Control the Market (And Why That’s Okay)
Ride the wave "it's a bull market, you know"
The market has a rhythm of its own.
It ebbs and flows, often defying our expectations, plans, and carefully drawn charts.
Sometimes, we think if we analyze more, strategize better, or watch it closer, we can bend its movements to align with our will.
But the truth is, the market moves as it pleases.
Trying to control it only exhausts us. The more we cling to the need for certainty, the more its unpredictability stirs frustration, anxiety, and doubt.
Letting go doesn’t mean we stop caring or trying. It means we release the need to predict every turn, the compulsion to be right every time.
Letting go means we trust our preparation, our strategy, and the wisdom gained from past experiences.
When we let go, we make space for clarity. We start to see the signals we missed in our frantic grasp for control. We step into flow, responding to what’s there, not what we wish it to be.
Right now, it is time to release the need to control the market.
Trust your process, and the journey, knowing that you don’t have to fight the waves.
You can ride them.
People always ask me what being a professional athlete taught me.
If you are curious about those days, someone posted an old DVD of me online recently. (I know I dress really well lol)
The lessons I’ve learned at that time were timeless, but above all, I’ve learned this:
I can’t control a damn thing.